

Aug 15

Why Hire an Arborist

Why Hire an Arborist

An arborist is a specialist in the care of individual trees. Arborists are knowledgeable about the needs of trees and are trained and equipped to provide proper care. Hiring an arborist is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Proper tree care is an investment that can lead to substantial returns. Well-cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability. Pruning or removing trees, especially large trees, can be dangerous work. Tree work should be done only by those trained and equipped to work safely in trees.

Be an Informed Consumer

One of the best methods to use in choosing an arborist is to educate yourself on some of the basic principles of tree care.  Your local garden center, extension agent, or city arborists are also excellent sources of information if you should have further questions. http://evergreentreecare.com.au/ for more info

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