

Nov 10

A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), Work Method Statement (WMS), Job Safety & Environment Analysis (JSEA

There really isn’t any major difference – they are all tools used to manage risk.  A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), Work Method Statement (WMS), Job Safety & Environment Analysis (JSEA) and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) are documents that describe how work is to be carried out safely.  Some states and territories often use JSA or JSEA to describe a SWMS (which is used in NSW).


The purpose of all these documents is to systematically document from start to finish the step-by-step process that is needed for a work task or activity to be undertaken safely and with minimum harm to the environment.  They should contain information that:


Describes how the work is carried out,

Identifies the work activities assessed as having safety or environmental risks,

States what the safety and environmental risks are,

Describes the control measures that will be applied to the work activities,

Describes how measures will be implemented to do the work in a safe and environmentally sound manner; and where required:

Outlines the legislation, standards and codes to be complied with; and

Includes a description of the equipment used in the work, the qualifications of the personnel doing the work and the training required to do the work in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

Here at Evergreen tree can we can provide you with any of the above before work commences site safety is important to you call Henk from Evergreen Tree Care today:

Mobile: 0432 920 715

Email: evergreentreecare@hotmail.com

Web: http://www.evergreentreecare.com.au

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