

Nov 10

Certified arborist report (AQF leave 5 Arborist).

What is an Arborist Report?

An arborist report is a written technical report made by a certified arborist (AQF leave 5 Arborist). It is a summary and analysis of existing vegetation and present conditions of the site with recommendations on preservation. An Arborist Report will provide a legal document evidencing your informed approach to your asset management which can therefore assist to mitigate the legal liability associated with the trees and other vegetation on your property. Our qualified AQF5 Arborists have specific experience in construction and tree matters enabling us to provide practical solutions. We provide impartial, practical recommendations to help you reach achievable and realistic outcomes

An arborist report provides a comprehensive range of arborist report types including but not limited to:

  • Tree Health & Condition Reports
  • Tree Hazard/Risk Assessment Reports (QTRA or other types)
  • Tree Root Inspection Reports
  • Construction Impact Appraisal & Method Statement Reports (to assist with Development Applications)
  • Details specific and accurate information about trees including location, condition, structural integrity, life expectancy, infestations and disease
  • Describes tree protection measures
  • For your property or a recently purchased property with existing garden, large or small or maybe a garden protected by a heritage listing. All trees and plantings can be catalogued and the Arborist Report will form part of your new Landscape Plan

Whether you want to remove, trim, or preserve a tree on your property an arborist report is a valuable tool.  An application to your local government for home or landscaping changes may also need to be accompanied by an arborist report. Be wary of “free” advice and remember, you generally get what you pay for because the only way these guys make money is to do some type of tree work often telling you the tree is dangerous and needs removal.


 We focused on ethical and professional advice and follow industry standard scientific. To discuss the arborist report requirements for your property or request a visit from one of our professional and qualified arborists.

Call Henk from Evergreen Tree Care today:

Mobile: 0432 920 715

Email: evergreentreecare@hotmail.com

Web: http://www.evergreentreecare.com.au

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