

Nov 10

Concerned or worried about the health of your trees, palms, shrubs or hedges.

Fertilization is an important aspect of tree care in modern landscape settings. Trees require certain nutrients to function and grow. Most residential soils are stripped of natural organic nutrients due to soil disturbance during construction and yearly leaf removal. Therefore these soils do not contain sufficient available nutrients for sustained health of trees, and supplemental fertilization is quite beneficial.

Soil Injection

Soil injection is a very convenient and cost effective treatment. It can be performed all year round.

The chemical used is mixed with water in a tank. The dosage is dependent on the trunk diameter of the tree to be treated and once calculated it is injected under pressure into the soil at a depth of around 300mm at multiple injection points.

The chemical takes around three weeks to be fully absorbed and transported throughout the tree and will remain effective whole seasons. 

Canopy Spraying

Canopy spraying is a simple and effective means of treatment that stops the beetle in its tracks. The chemical mixture is sprayed under pressure from our mobile spray units to cover the tree’s foliage thoroughly. The effect is close to instant, within a matter of minutes dead beetles begin to fall. The chemical will remain active for the remainder of the season and any newly pupating beetles or hatching larvae will be killed once they feed upon the treated leaves

Soil Aeration Benefit – By the process used the soil beneath the canopy of the tree is loosened and aerated. This allows better soil penetration of water and air, and allows easier root growth/elongation due to a looser soil.

Fertilizer Solution – Our fertilizer blend is formulated specifically for trees. It consists of a long-lasting, low chloride, 5-10-10 (N-P-K) fertilizer with slow release organic compounds that contain micronutrients and beneficial mycorrhizae fungi.

N (Nitrogen) – Nitrogen affects the vegetative growth on trees, it is used in producing new shoots, buds, and leaves. Nitrogen is also the main component of chlorophyll which is the green chemical in leaves responsible for photosynthesis which is how a tree produces its energy.

P (Phosphorus) – Phosphorus is very important for root health and development. It is used more heavily during bloom and seed production. It is generally released into soil from decomposing organic matter.

K (Potassium) – Potassium also aids in root development and the formation of chlorophyll as well as other important plant compounds. It also helps with disease resistance and absorption of trace elements.

Mycorrhizae – Mycorrhizae are a beneficial fungus that attach to roots and form a symbiotic relationship that provides an extension to the trees root system. Mycorrhizal fungi can increase the absorbing surface area of roots from 100-1000 times. They also release enzymes that help dissolve more tightly bound micronutrients. Re-establishing mycorrhizal populations can dramatically improve plant performance by increasing water and nutrient assimilation.

Micronutrients – Micronutrients are essential for plant growth, but are only needed in small amounts. The micronutrients are boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), chloride (Cl), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn).

Nutrient Deficiencies – If the trees leaves are discoloured or abnormal there is a chance of macro or micro nutrient deficiency and fertilization may help to alleviate the issue. Have our arborist come check your trees if they appear sick so recommendations can be made.

If you are concerned or worried about the health of your trees, palms, shrubs or hedges  call Henk from Evergreen Tree Care today:

Mobile: 0432 920 715

Email: evergreentreecare@hotmail.com

Web: http://www.evergreentreecare.com.au

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