

Mar 23

Council Approval, Arborist Reports and Protection of Trees on Development Sites (AS 4970-2009)

Council Approval

Arborist Reports


Protection of Trees on Development Sites

(AS 4970-2009)



Tree Preservation


Council Approval may be required for removal or even pruning of a tree. Each local Government area has varying legislation regarding tree amenities. We cannot conduct work on any tree that requires council approval without that approval. To contact your Council for a copy of their Tree Preservation Order we have provided a page link for you below. Council often may also require Arborist reports as supporting evidence to your application.

Contact your Council.

Brisbane City Council’s Natural Assets Local Law 2003 helps to protect our natural assets, including bushland areas, wetlands, waterway corridors and trees in urban areas.


To find out if your property has protected vegetation, contact Council on 07 3403 8888


Protection of trees on development sites introduced


Arborist Reports

Council often require a report from a qualified arborist regarding trees requiring approval. The purpose of the report is to provide Council with independent information about the tree, including its health position and recommendations.

Our Arborists are fully qualified ( AQF 5) and happy to prepare such reports if you need them.

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