

Sep 20

Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cocos Palm or Queen Palm )

Syagrus romanzoffiana (Queen Palm or Cocos Palm) is a palm native to South America, from northern Argentina north to eastern Brazil and west to eastern Bolivia. Description: Large palm to 20 m high, with trunk to 0.6 m wide. Trunk smooth, grey, with widely spaced horizontal leaf scars. Leaves with leaflets to 1 m long and to 3 cm wide, with pinnate leaves spreading in different planes giving a plam-like appearance. Fruit crowded in hanging masse. Flowers/Seed head: Inflorescences initially enclosed by 2 woody pointed bracts. Flowers yellow in groups of 3 where one flower is female and 2 male. Flowers mostly spring. Distinguishing features: Distinguished by large size when mature; leaves to 5 m long, pinnately divided with 150–250 leaflets per side, leaflets often in clusters of 2–7; inflorescence a branched panicle to 2 m long with male and female flowers; fruit broad ovoid, 2.5–3 cm long, 1–2 cm wide, yellow to orange when ripe. Spread by seed that is bat-dispersed

The palm has a wide introduced range due to its popularity as an ornamental garden tree.

The Queen Palm is found in most tropical and subtropical areas. It’s very popular as an ornamental tree and much used in urban landscaping. However, the fronds die early and must be pruned to keep the tree visually pleasing. Its leaves and inflorescences are used as cattle fodder, specially for milking cows. Its fruits are edible, being sought by birds, as well as by mammals, including some flying fox and possums. The fruits consist of a hard nut surrounded with a thin layer of fibrous flesh that is orange and sticky when ripe.Seed are like marballs on the ground so watch out for them on the drive way. The flavor is sweet and could be described as a mixture of plum and banana

The Queen Palm in some areas is known for attracting pests and in some regions places it has been classified as an invasive species.


In the Australian state of Queensland it has become invasive to the point that it is now restricted by the Department of Primary Industries and most local councils. Notes: Naturalised in native forest and rainforest particularly along river banks and near the coast in north-eastern New South Wales and southeastern Queensland. Garden plant that could be better replaced with an appropriate native palm.

To keep them looking great Evergreen Tree Care recommends having them cleaned 2-3 times per year. All dead fronds, seed pods and fruit will be removed to keep them looking nice and tidy.

Contact http://www.evergreentreecare.com.au/ for more info

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