

Mar 23

Planting & Transplanting

Planting & Transplanting


The trees and shrubs we plant now have the potential to outlive us. It is important to practice proper care and maintenance, starting from the time they are planted, so that generations to come may enjoy safe and healthy trees. Whether you’re seeking a replacement or adding to a landscape, consult with a Evergreen Tree Care arborist to find the right tree for your location and ensure that it’s planted correctly.

We say a lot in the arboriculture industry that the best way to care for tree injuries is to prevent them from happening at all. Proper selection, placement and planting are three of the most important factors one should consider when planning the installation of a new tree. Choosing a non-native tree or a site with improper soil conditions or inadequate space for root and crown growth can lead to the premature death of a newly planted tree or shrub.

Landscaping with trees can increase the equity in your home, as well as provide aesthetic enhancements to your property. Whether you choose a nursery-grown tree or would like to have an existing tree on your property moved to another location, we have the experience and specialized equipment to help.

We can determine which varieties will do best in particular locations and soil types, select the best nursery stock, and carefully plant your new tree. Then, we follow-up with nurturing programs to quickly establish new roots and secure your newest addition to your yard.

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